UOBIANS Interactive
Department of CS & IT
University of Balochistan Quetta

The Only source at the Internet to
keep you update about CS/IT Deptt: of UOB.

Ent: "Lowest Landing Airport of the World"

What a comfort! Jump out of airplane in a few meters from the ground, namely jump right into the sea… and annual leave already starting! WOW! It’s very practical! Bags leave in the plane. However, they may have to wait at the airport. It is so close. It is important to take good ransom and enjoy the benefits of summer vacation.Albeit a little loud holiday. But who cares. :)

Maho Beach is a beach situated in St Maarten in the Netherlands Antilles, on the Dutch side of the island. The location is known worldwide because of the Princess Juliana International Airport that is situated immediately adjacent to the beach.
Incoming air traffic is known to have to touch down as close as possible to the beginning of runway 10 due to the short runway length of 2,180 metres/7,152 ft, resulting in low-flying aircraft on their final approach over the beach. Due to these low flying airplanes (including large passenger airliners such as the Boeing 747), the location is very popular with plane spotters.

And here is video taken from YOUTUBE

Re-Appear list....


"Re-Appear papers list" of all the students of BSCS/IT displayed on Department Notice Board.

Not uploaded the Results of other semesters, Why? Explanation ...


As already clear from blog name, http://ituob.blogspot.com  that we emphasize only on BSIT students' result. And secondly, the other results announced along with BSIT 08-12's result, were not able to be published, due to extreme bad and refused results.

2nd Semester's Result, BSIT 2008-2012...


2nd Semester's Result of BSIT 2008-2012 (currently 3rd Semester)  is announced today. We have prepared the complete result sheet for aforementioned class which is given as below:-

Click the Image to Enlarge

Above posted result is re prepared and unofficial. It fully complies with the result displayed on Department Notice Board. We have prepared it with our full efforts to avoid mistakes and do not take responsibility of any mistakes caused.

Mohammad Imran
Blogger, Web Designer

Result of BSCS/IT 2008-12 and BSCS/IT 2009-13 announced...


2nd Semester's Result of BSCS/IT 2008-12 (currently 3rd semester)  and 1st Semester's result of BSCS/IT 2009-13 was announced today in the Department by displaying the complete result sheet on Department Notice Board.

Assignments BSIT 2008-2012 ....


By Our Correspondent: Waqas Malik from BSIT 3rd Semester, 2008-2012

Marketing Assignment in Physical Activities
1. Merchandising Activities
2. General Business Activities
3. Sales Activities

Maths Assignment
Exercise 9.2, Test of 1st 20 Questions will be taken on Friday.

Wallpaper section is to be launched soon...


We are working rapidly on wallpaper section of our blog. Will be live soon.

Classes will remain suspended...


All the classes in the department will remain suspended for the "Final Viva-Voce of MCS Final Semester Project" on 5 and 6 October.